Speaker Confirmation

You are confirmed to be a webinar speaker at the Book Direct Show in September 2020.

Please send us your details below and we will begin to promote your webinar/workshop session as soon as possible.

Speaker Confirmation

Will be displayed on speakers/agenda/webinar pages.
One company name to be displayed on speakers/agenda/webinar pages.
Our event is focused on direct booking strategies. Please bear this in mind for your presentation title.
Please provide one or two paragraphs summarising what you will cover and what accommodation managers will learn from your session. This can be changed.
Choose one or more
0/250 Max words
Will be displayed on speakers/agenda/webinar pages.
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Your photo. Will be displayed on speakers/agenda/webinar pages. (350 x 350 px)
Choose file
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If you would like to send us a 30-60 second video of you talking about your webinar, we will use this to promote your session. Alternatively send a video to Damian on WhatsApp on +447906974684
(includes logo branding and external links from your webinar, website advertising, sponsorship packages)
I agree to send my video webinar presentation (25-35 minutes) no later than 31 August 2020. I also authorise the Book Direct Show team to use any part of my video webinar for marketing and promotional purposes both before or after the event.