
Book Direct Show Awards

2024 Winners

Recognising Outstanding Influencers and Game Changers

The 2024 Book Direct Show saw the introduction of the Book Direct Show Awards.

These awards have been created to officially recognise the individuals and companies who shine a light on direct booking strategy education and conversion.

The Winners

The winners were voted by attendees at both the SCALE Show and the Book Direct Show.

1. Best Educator

This award is to highlight any individual or company in the short-term rental industry that provides outstanding educational content to help hosts and managers learn more about direct booking strategies.

"Non-stop high quality content"

"Opened an immense amount of doors for me in understanding the market and expanding my network"

"Simply the best educator in the world of holiday rentals"

Winner - Thibault Masson

2. Best Marketing Company

This award recognises companies of any size that share innovative marketing strategies to help hosts and property management companies generate more direct bookings.

"as a new business I was clueless and thought the only way was the OTA way but she’s taught me invaluable information to get me started in business"

"She has helped me so much with my marketing over the last 3 years. I have learnt so much and it’s helped my business and confidence sore. She is an incredible teacher, and I want her to be recognized for all she has done to help fellow hosts"

Winner - Get Fully Booked

3. Best Software Solution

This award identifies the leading tech companies providing online services and software solutions which enable short-term rental managers generate more direct bookings.

"powerful intuitive easy and useful"

"an all in one solution which gives you the advantage of an outstanding, optimized website equipped with SEO tools and a seamless booking engine integrated to your PMS account. This helps you enhance online visibility and secure additional direct reservations with proven efficiency"

Winner - Avantio

4. Best Property Management Company

This award highlights the owners, hosts or larger property management companies that stand out for their unique and successful approach to driving increased direct bookings.

"Perfect service - able to find solutions - great professionals - a decade of positive experience with them"

"They go out of their way to help guests find an apartment that suits their individual needs"

"Has done an exceptional job of understanding where their audience spends time and using those channels effectively"

Winner - Skol Apartments Marbella