A Chat with Na’ím Anís Paymán

In our next speaker interview, Deborah Labi interviews Na’ím Anís Paymán of Zeevou and Paymans.

We speak about how Na’ím got started in the industry, sour yoghurt, small kitchens, science, early investment, medium v short-term lets, the growth of the Paymans in Cambridge and why he built his own property management software in Zeevou.

Na’ím also talks about direct bookings, best price guarantees and the OTA response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Na’ím Anís Paymán of @Zeevou talks to the @BookDirectShow about short-term rentals and the #BookDirect movement

Na’ím will be speaking about Guest Segmentation at the Book Direct Show

Related Links


Google Hotel Ads – https://ads.google.com/hotels/

Paymans – https://peymans.com/

Zeevou – https://zeevou.com/

Zeevou Direct – https://zeevou.direct/