Chris Taylor
Director of Marketing
GuestView Guide
September 2021
Online Series
How to Become Part of Your Guests Delightful Memories
Studies have shown that less than 20% of travelers remember the company they stayed with 60 days after their departure.
How can they book direct in the future if they don't remember who you are?
Join me to walk through each phase of your guest's journey. Learn specific ways you can brand yourself and help them have not only a delightful experience, but wonderful memories. They're not always the same.
See how you can help create those memories that last until they're ready to book again...direct with you.
Key Takeaways for Attendees
1. Memories can be different than experiences - how to make them the same.
2. Understanding the guest's journey through their eyes.
3. What you can do during each phase of the journey to help create those memories, remember you, and book directly with you again.