A Greener Conference

The Book Direct Show - Live
Our Eco-Friendly Movement

At the Book Direct Show we're doing everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint and provide a unique conference that is less environmentally harmful.

green short term rental conference
Tourism Declares
Stripe Climate

So, what we are doing?

For attendees wishing to stay in the Miami Beach area we have partnered with Jurny who are offering our attendees a 20% discount for their stay. Jurny operates robust recycling and waste reduction programs. Bath Amenities are provided in bulk dispensers to reduce waste and plastic. No plastic room keys - everything is controlled through the Jurny app. Cleaning products are made with bio-based oils and other natural cleaners with proven performance, less irritating to guests and employees, and less destructive to the environment. For central operations such as boilers, lighting systems, kitchen equipment, and automated energy management systems, Jurny units are fully automated reducing energy costs while sustaining and enhancing the guest experience.

Where possible we will only use locally grown and ethically sourced produce with a lower carbon footprint including vegetarian and vegan options. More to be confirmed here.

We are proud members of Ecologi. Ecologi invests into a broad range of projects that they are reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as a range of amazing tree planting partners responsibly planting millions of trees a month. 85% of monthly subscriptions go directly to funding these planet-saving projects.

Sign up to Ecologi

Electronic Brochure
All important attendee information including the show schedule will be available electronically and will not use paper.

The Book Direct Show will not use traditional plastic lanyards and will instead provide attendees with an eco-friendly alternative.

Offsetting Carbon Footprint
The Book Direct Show will offset all carbon emissions for our team's international and local travel. We are encouraging all of our attendees to consider making a small optional donation to offset their own carbon travel emissions when registering for the live conference.

Online Access
We appreciate many property managers may not want to travel great distances. This is why we will make our main conference recordings available to paid ticket holders.

Like our 2021 conference in London, we aim to eradicate use and distribution of plastic from our conference.

Ticketing Platform
We have chosen Ticket Tailor as our exclusive ticketing platform. Ticket Tailor is carbon neutral and committed to donating towards the climate crisis for every ticket sold.

We will not be including sponsors’ logos on our show signage banners meaning less waste and continued use for future events.

Sponsors & Exhibitors
We are asking all of our partners to reduce their waste at the event and minimise distribution of plastic.

Host GPO is a bronze sponsor of the Book Direct ShowAt HostGPO, we know living sustainably is the only option for a healthy planet and bright future. To further this initiative, we have partnered with sustainable vendors such as Public Goods, Standard Textile and the Williams Sonoma Brands. These vendors provide eco-friendly sourced amenities, linens and furniture for our members. We are totally on board with The Book Direct Show's focus on environmental sustainability and are excited to be sponsoring the conference!

Touch Stay is a sponsor of the book direct showIt's a hugely positive step to see the Book Direct Show's commitment to delivering as green an event as possible - great job Damian and team! It is also through the guidance and support of Bob Garner that Touch Stay has been a carbon neutral organisation since April 2021 and we've already offset the emissions of our team's travel to the event through Ecologi's Climate Positive Workforce initiative.

inhaven is a sponsor of the 2022 Book Direct ShowCongrats to Damian and The Book Direct Show team for taking the initiative to reduce our carbon footprint! Inhaven is committed to reducing single-use plastic and providing sustainable procurement solutions. We will be providing all conference attendees a reusable water bottle to use at the Book Direct Show water stations. In addition, Inhaven is your one-stop-shop for hundreds of sustainable and environmentally friendly products, great for the earth and perfect for your vacation rentals.

Hostfully is a sponsor of The Book Direct ShowWe encourage green initiatives at all levels of the Hostfully family. Company-wide, Hostfully offsets all its carbon emissions resulting from travel, server operations, and office spaces. At the employee level, we provide flexible scheduling so that anyone can engage in local green initiatives that have a direct impact in their communities. Hostfully employees participate in local clean ups, the #SaveSoil movement, and recycling awareness campaigns. Hostfully also encourages its customers to integrate green initiatives into their hospitality offerings through its software offerings.

Dack is a sponsor of The Book Direct ShowThank you Damian for drawing attention to the ongoing need for environmental responsibility. We're happy to share that as a platform DACK helps operators globally reduce energy expenditures through IoT automation, primarily our work to turn off thermostats post-checkout. This dramatically reduces energy waste on vacant units. We continue to explore new ways of making IoT devices smarter during and post-stay to ensure our partners can maximize efficiency wherever possible. As an upsell and recommendation platform we are also seeking partners that generate local and sustainable products that help guests stay more responsibly. As a company, we continue to support a remote workforce, and are exploring ways to offset carbon for team meetups and conferences when possible. 

Safely Sponsors of The Book Direct ShowThe importance of environmental awareness and conservation efforts cannot be understated. At Safely, we’re proud to do our part in reducing our plastic usage at events like Book Direct Show. We support green initiatives and encourage participation in local conservation efforts. Following in the footsteps of the Book Direct Show team, Safely plans to make sustainability a more significant focus for our entire company!

Hopper is a sponsor of the 2022 Book Direct ShowAt Hopper, we’re committed to making positive change for the environment and support the green initiatives of the Book Direct Show. We have an initiative called Hooper Trees and with every booking, Hopper will plant two trees at no cost to the traveler as part of our carbon offset program

Stripe Climate
We have signed up to the Stripe Climate and will contribute 1% of our revenue to fund carbon removal.

Tourism Declares
The Book Direct Show is a proud member of the Tourism Declares community. This is a global community of tourism organisations, companies and professionals, all committed to delivering a Climate Action Plan aligned with the need to cut emissions in half by 2030.
Our Declaration

We are only using catering vendors with green and eco-friendly credentials. More to be confirmed here.

We have chosen the Miami Ironside as our conference venue. Ironside is a a sustainable green community and landscaped environment lined with Rainbow Eucalyptus trees and dotted with South Florida native honey bee and butterfly patches. The entire campus is lined with Poincianas, Live Oaks, Coconut Palms and more. Perimeter landscaping includes Climbing Jasmine, Creeping Fig and multi-colored Bougainvilla at every turn.

Bob Garner

We'd like to extend a special thanks to Bob Garner of Casa del Fichi for his consultancy and extraordinary voluntary work towards a more sustainable world.