Terry Whyte
Anna Maria Island Beach Rentals
My name is Terry Whyte but many people refer to me as “the property management software guy” because I am so passionate about software in our sector. When I am not running Anna Maria Island Beach Rentals (my vacation rental fleet in Anna Maria Island, Florida) I lead up a small research group that dives into the world of property management software.
In the last several years, I have done demos with most tools on the market (many multiple times over), guided thousands of property managers through the software selection process, and co-founded the Keystone Awards, the first awards program for vacation rental management software.
Property management software is the single most important tool for our business. And to make the right decision that fits your needs, information is power. Which is why I have dedicated my time to sharing my unabashed research and findings with you. This project is funded 100% by supporters.