Professional styling: the forgotten competitive advantage

Guest Blog by Paola Gheis

Dear Paola, we came across your beautiful property while searching in Google for an exclusive villa in Tuscany. We would love to spend our holidays at your villa, Dimora Bellosguardo in Florence. Could you please confirm the villa is actually available the first two weeks of September?

How would you like to receive a message like this? I would! Luckily I receive many emails just like this one. And they land in my own inbox, not on a OTA encrypted email platform. I am a property owner and VR consultant specialising in the luxury sector. Brand manager for The Villa Italy, a curated collection of luxury villas in Italy. 

ContinueProfessional styling: the forgotten competitive advantage

Why adapt the social networks of your business to each country?

Guest blog by Sandra Roig of AB Apartment Barcelona

Today, not only 9 out of 10 people use social networks, but each company has its presence on them. Most companies use social networks as a tool to be closer to their consumers, have greater contact with them and observe first-hand the needs and requests of their customers. But … what social networks should companies use to have the best effectiveness of this tool? Do we have to be present in all of them?

ContinueWhy adapt the social networks of your business to each country?

#BookDirect Revenue Management

revenue management for direct bookings

Guest blog by Richard Vaughton of Rentivo

If you thought this was just about pricing, think again!

So what exactly is “Revenue Management” and why are we seeing so much of it in the short term rental press, zoom calls and conversations. Wikipedia describes it: 

“as the application of disciplined analytics that predict consumer behaviour at the micro-market levels and optimize product availability and price to maximize revenue growth. The primary aim of revenue management is selling the right product to the right customer at the right time for the right price and with the right pack”.

Continue#BookDirect Revenue Management

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends this 2020

Guest blog by Sandra Roig of AB Apartment Barcelona

If we are sure of anything, it is that during the course of this year the world of Digital Marketing will grow even more. In recent years, more and more people are using social media and it is up to companies to respond to this trend appropriately.

More than half of the world’s population is online, so it’s important for you to know the digital marketing trends that are going strong. Continue reading and discover how you can optimize your digital marketing strategy!

ContinueTop 5 Digital Marketing Trends this 2020

Thinking Local and the Domestic Traveller

Guest Blog by Louise Brace of Rental Tonic

Two months ago we were all looking forward to Easter and summer bookings, preparing our short-term rentals for the next guests to arrive. Then everything changed. Within 48 hours our lives and businesses changed completely. 

We’ll probably never go back to how we used to work and I feel desperately sad for the thousands of owners and property managers who have had to shut their business – some temporarily, others for good. 

For those of us who are soldiering on. I use the term ‘us’: I am not an owner or manager, but my business is all about you and we’re in this together.

So for those of ‘us’ who are soldiering on, this is a time to stay objective. To look at what we can do to stay visible, to keep in touch, and to excite guests about future travel and their next holiday.

Over the coming weeks – on the run-up to the Book Direct Show, I’ll be sharing my recommendations on how to stay visible and get in front of your guests online.

The first topic is ‘Thinking Local and the Domestic Traveller’.

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